Website Update

It’s fun seeing how far you’ve come over the years anyway? Lets have a look at some of the Mechafatnick front pages over the ages: over the ages Over the Ages

Overall, I’m pretty I’m pretty chuffed at how this place turned out considering it started life as a very simple WordPress blog that had the Zx Spectrum system font awkwardly imposed upon it. However, though i was happy with the updated look of the site, the framework was outmoded. With social media taking center stage, people don’t explore websites like they did – and they need access to the material they’re searching for right away, without having to click through two or three pages first.

Consequently, i’ve rearranged the site map to make it a bit easier to navigate. Aside from the home page there is now:

  • a writing page, with link to ALL my articles
  • a games page with updates on all of my own game development stuff (including interactive quizzes)
  • a music page with links (and previews) to all of my music releases
  • a paypal-enabled store page
  • a refreshed Interactive ‘about’ page

Have fun and feel free to come and shout at me on social media if anything seems to break.