New Year’s Resolutions

It’s the first proper working week of 2015. Eeek. Before we get back to the depressing reality of the endless, monotonous grind towards inevitable death, I thought I’d quickly share my plans with 2015 with you all. So, in no particular order:

  1. Do a spot of tidying up around ‘ere
  2. Finish the E.P. I started at the end of last year
  3. Make an actual fully fledged game.

Because i’m a big atrocious swot, point number 1 has already been completed. Not only does the website now have its very own Terrible Lizard Kitty Favicon, but I’ve altered the text so its no longer being rendered with Cufon. This means it’s now fully selectable! Hurrah! Alongside this, i’ve also redesigned the post template over on the 8-bit theme, so that now looks nice and tidy too.

Moving on, i have no timescale whatsoever for numbers 2 and 3. The jazzy style I’m going for on Modulated Frequencies takes a little bit longer to write than your normal Fatnick track, and outside of playing my only experience of game design is Epic’s glorious ancient ANSI-based adventure title ZZT.

Still, I hope its a fun ride – and I promise to keep you posted with my progress in future updates here.

Happy New Year everyone!

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